A healthy membership is vital first and foremost to give us authority when we are dealing Your opinion counts, so please join us. £10 per year will help to protect, preserve and enhance the Heath for all.

Membership provides you with:
- a forum to express your opinions about the Heath;
- representation to the council, as FoBH meet regularly with the local organisations;
- news and updates on what is happening in your community;
- and an opportunity to help preserve the Heath for our neighbourhood and it for future generations.
The family/household membership fee is £10 per year. Additional donations are very welcome. Your support helps our volunteers to manage the woodland, and to organise action days clearing litter, and maintaining paths.
A healthy membership is vital first and foremost to give us authority when we are dealing with SADC, HCC and other bodies on behalf of the Community of Bernards Heath.
Join online now:
1: Pay £10 to Friends of Bernards Heath bank account
Account No: 50347125 Sort Code: 23-05-80
Use your full name as a reference, please.
2: Notify our treasurer via the email below.. Please include your name, and address so we can match up payments. We do not pass your details on to any third party.
chairman @ bernardsheath.org
Set up a standing order.
1. Download & complete this form, then email it to chairman@bernardsheath.org,
2. Instruct your bank to pay £10 immediately, and thereafter on 1st January every year.
Pay by cheque
1. Download and print this form, or use the form at the end of the FoBH pamphlet.
2. Make cheques payable to Friends of Bernards Heath, and send with the completed form to: FoBH Treasurer, Heath House, Heath Farm Lane, St Albans, AL3 5AE.