There was quite a reasonable turnout, on a day which was cold with sunny periods. Not a lot of litter to be found, although several bags were collected – thank you everyone for your help.

including Beech Bottom Dyke and Sandridge Road Wastes
There was quite a reasonable turnout, on a day which was cold with sunny periods. Not a lot of litter to be found, although several bags were collected – thank you everyone for your help.
1 Red Dead-nettle – crimson-purple flowers, square stem and pungent smell. Thanks to MB for pointing out that this is not Field Woundwort.
2 Green Alkanet – a member of the forget-me-not family with blue flowers. It is common in damp shady areas.
3 White Dead-nettle – has leaves that look like a common nettle with white flowers, but they do not sting.
At this time of your many types of fungi appear on the Heath. Don’t go eating any without a positive confirmation of what they are.
Photo: RM
David Pearce giving young people a taste of hedgerow jelly (or jam) at Bernards Heath Infants School on Global Families Day. Many of the berries can be found on the Heath, but you might have to make a visit to the market too. Jenny B has kindly provided a recipe which you can download here
David puts the finishing touches to those delicious scones and hedgerow jelly.