2025 AGM Minutes

The Friends of Bernards Heath held their 2025 AGM on Saturday the 1st of February at the Jolly Sailor. Many thanks to patron Paul for hosting us, and to all who attended. Please find the minutes below and contact us with any queries.

Topics addressed included:

  • Update on the possible development on the heath
  • possible changes to the Pioneer Club
  • review of FOBH activities: playground developments, picnic celebrations, maintenance…
  • a look ahead to 2025

25th Anniversary Community picnic

Many thanks to all those who turned out to celebrate on the 12th of May. The weather was gorgeous, and hundreds of families enjoyed the organised activities, including the treasure hunt.

Please sign up to news & updates about your local heath, and help us to conserve our green spaces. Join before 5pm on Saturday 18th May 2024 & be in to win a bottle of Prosecco

Newsletters arrive quarterly, or with exciting/urgent updates.

Bernards Heath 1915 Management Agreement

Copy of 1915 document header.

You can read a copy of the complete document here which is slightly blurred. A recent clear copy is available here.

1915 Management Agreement Commentary

The document here is the “Management Agreement” drawn up by the then St Albans Corporation in 1915 to set out its powers to manage Bernards Heath.  The provisions in the agreement have been turned into local by-laws.

Continue reading “Bernards Heath 1915 Management Agreement”

Tents on the Heath

Illegal camping on Bernards Heath

Small tents have briefly appeared on the Heath in recent years and have soon disappeared again, although not without leaving rubbish and occasionally a tent.

However, illegal camping reached new levels in May this year when several tents, large and small appeared. Naturally, this was a concern to all users of the Heath, particularly because no toilet facilities exist on the Heath. Two dogs have reportedly fallen ill following exercise in this area. Fires often lit by the campers in the blue tent below are on wooded land present a hazard.

Camping near Heath Farm Lane – click arrow on the right of the image to see more

Camping near Edmund Beaufort Drive

Aerial Photos from Google

FoBH has contacted local agencies to try to get the campers to move on:

In May, nagging for action by FoBH resulted in a police visit. Notes were taken, but no further action was forthcoming.

St Albans District Council (SADC) took legal advice and instructed the tent owners to leave no later than Friday 19th May at 12pm. They did not. The campers in the original tent near the two oaks clearing did eventually move on, leaving a pile of rubbish. This is almost always the case.

In June SADC (which administers the land) contacted the Althorp Estate, asking them to exercise their common law right as the landowner.  No action taken, although Althorp Estate bailiffs have been successful in getting Travellers to move on in the past.

A letter to Daisy Cooper MP resulted in an approach to SADC to see where they are at with the investigation. They have also asked the Althorp Estate to act.

The Althorp Estate is not willing to exercise their common law rights as the landowner, because of a lease agreement between Althorp and SADC.

SADC will continue to explore further ways of removing campers.

Photos: PC, MN

Common Land

Bernards Heath – an example of common land

The Friends of Bernards Heath (FoBH) exists for the interests of two of the three pieces of registered common land which lie within St Albans’ city boundaries; Bernards Heath and Sandridge Road Wastes.

Sandpit Lane Wastes are not included. Note that Beech Bottom Dyke, another Friends concern, is a Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM), but not common land and is owned by St Albans District Council (SACDC).

Continue reading “Common Land”