Spring Action Day 2015

We would like to say Thank you to all the Friends and Supporters who turned out on Sunday 15th to contribute to our Action Day and who helped give the Heath a Spring Clean.

The Daffodils are now in flower and birds are beginning to build their nests and overall the Heath looks a much nicer place without being covered in litter, the bags which we collected are pictured below. Please help in the future by taking your litter home and using the bins provided.

100 Members

The membership of the ‘Friends of Bernards Heath’ has now reached 100 members. Welcome to all our new members and thank you to our current members for renewing your commitment to keeping safe this important green space at the hearth of our community.

We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at our next Action Day (see upcoming events above).

Townsend Drive verges

Friends of Bernards Heath has been working in conjunction with Townsend Drive Householders Association to replace the logs on the Heath/at the bottom of Townsend Drive in order to remedy the parking issues.

Over time the logs that were marking the border of the heath along Townsend Drive have been rotting away with the result that illegal parking was taking place.This was also a concern to Townsend Drive Residents Association, particularly near the entrance to the heath at the junction with Waverley Road. After agreement with the council that they would cover half of the cost of replacing the logs with Friends of Bernards Heath and pay the VAT, work has been completed as shown in the picture. All the logs have been secured to stakes.