Join us, and help protect your green space!

Your opinion counts, so please join us. £10 per year will help to protect, preserve and enhance the Heath for all.

Membership provides you with:

  • a forum to express your opinions about the Heath;
  • representation to the council, as FoBH meet regularly with the local organisations;
  • news and updates on what is happening in your community;
  • and an opportunity to help preserve the Heath for our neighbourhood and it for future generations.

More spring flowers

Spring progresses, and the snowdrops fade. However, look out for the blue blooms of the tentatively identified Siberian Squill. We welcome any corrections on that identification (is it actually a very early bluebell?).

a small blue flower trumpet blooming against Ivy, and a

2025 AGM Minutes

The Friends of Bernards Heath held their 2025 AGM on Saturday the 1st of February at the Jolly Sailor. Many thanks to patron Paul for hosting us, and to all who attended. Please find the minutes below and contact us with any queries.

Topics addressed included:

  • Update on the possible development on the heath
  • possible changes to the Pioneer Club
  • review of FOBH activities: playground developments, picnic celebrations, maintenance…
  • a look ahead to 2025

A rescued Pear tree on SRW

FOBH Tree Warden, Roger Miles, has spent years tending Bernards Heath and the Sandridge Road Wastes (SRW), including a multi-year effort to rescue a pear tree. Before 2017, he spotted an ornamental pear on the eastern side of the SRW which was growing at a jaunty angle.

SRW Leaning pear tree.

His careful work over the last seven years has resulted in a vigorous and upright tree which is now a credit to the area.


Our thanks to Roger for his continuous, and often under noticed, work conserving our local flora.

Air Ambulance helicopter lands on Bernards Heath

The local air ambulance landed on the upper field of Bernards Heath on the 13th of July to attend a collision on Harpenden Road.

Locals directed them to the scene, and Harpenden Road was closed in both directions. Sadly, it appears to have been a pedestrian vs car requiring the attendance of numerous emergency vehicles

Police are asking anyone with dash cam footage in the area at the time. The HertsAdvertiser reported: “PC Ryan Moore from the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Road Policing Unit, said: ‘Our enquiries are continuing, and I am urging anyone with information to please get in touch.’

“’Were you driving in the area at the time and saw what happened? Additionally, if you have a dash cam fitted and were in the area, please check it as you may have recorded some crucial footage to assist our investigation. If you also saw the orange Aygo prior to the collision, please get in touch.'”

If you do have any information, you can stay 100 per cent anonymous by contacting the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via their untraceable online form at

Gallery exhibition for local painter


Marks & Tilt Gallery will be exhibiting the works of Michael Cull, a FoBH member, this month. The launch party will take place on July 18th @ 6-9pm. There will be an opportunity meet the artist, along with free drinks & nibbles.

Nick, the Gallery Manager, noted that Michael “is an artist that we should all be celebrating … We really hope you can make it.”

Marks & Tilt Gallery, 18 London Road, AL1 1NG. July 12 – August 7 2024.

25th Anniversary Community picnic

Many thanks to all those who turned out to celebrate on the 12th of May. The weather was gorgeous, and hundreds of families enjoyed the organised activities, including the treasure hunt.

Please sign up to news & updates about your local heath, and help us to conserve our green spaces. Join before 5pm on Saturday 18th May 2024 & be in to win a bottle of Prosecco

Newsletters arrive quarterly, or with exciting/urgent updates.