The Friends of Bernards Heath (FoBH) believe that the Heath provides an exceptional natural amenity for the locality and the Society exists in order to protect, preserve and where appropriate enhance the Heath for the benefit of the neighbourhood as a whole. Membership provides you with a forum to express your opinions about the Heath and an opportunity to help preserve it for future generations.
We liaise with the Countryside Management Service and St Albans District Council to update the Greenspace Action Plan for Beech Bottom Dyke and Bernards Heath.
This is just a selection of work done by the Friends of Bernards Heath.

Campaigns to protect the Lower Field
from further development
Planned interpretation boards for the Heath, Sandridge Road Wastes
and Beech Bottom Dyke

Blossum on a recently planted
crab apple tree
Action Days – clearance work
on Beech Bottom Dyke

FoBH In the media
Produces and distributes newsletters

Promotion of litter clearance
on the Heath
Work on paths, including
using contractors

Guided walks, this with a focus
on trees, lead by Roger Miles
Learning about the history of the Heath with historian Peter Burley