Autumn Action Day – Clearance Work at Beech Bottom Dyke

Despite heavy rain on the morning of Sunday 16th October, an intrepid group of volunteers were able to clear large areas of brambles adjacent to the path on the southern side of the Dyke.  This clearance work not only makes the the path more accessible, but gives clear views to the bottom of the Dyke. It may also provide more ventilation to the Dyke and reduce its boggy nature at certain points.

This is part of an of an ongoing attempt to make the this neglected ancient earthwork more accessible to walkers and other interested parties.

Some of the brambles and other small branches have now been cleared.

There is a pile of small logs by the top path about midway between the Ancient Briton and the entrance near the junction of Beech and Firbank Roads. Help yourself.  Most of the wood is elder and not yule log material, but split and dried would make good kindling.  Photo: RM