Ariston Site and Lower Field Update

These gateposts are one of the few reminders of the Ariston tallow works on the Heath, a site that has been under consideration for residential development for some time.

In January 2013 Hertfordshire County Council, HCC, announced its decision to sell the former Ariston site, including the Lower Field of Bernards Heath. HCC subsequently decided to offer the site for sale with planning permission in place for residential development and the relocation of existing community uses. Following discussions between HCC and St Albans District Council, SADC, a public exhibition of the planning proposals was held in December 2013 and January 2014. 

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Autumn Colours

October 20th was one of those few bright sunny days when the trees were their best. This photo shows the the riot of colour that can be seen if you’re lucky.

There are many more autumnal photos of the Heath in our gallery

Fontmell Close collapse

The dramatic impact of a collapse 66 feet across on the residents of Fontmell and Bridle Close is beginning to emerge. Many have suffered loss of essential services and arrangements for emergency services have been made. 

While it has been known for some time that this area of what was Bernards Heath was prone to collapse, the size of hole is unprecedented. An overlay of the 1898 OS map in this area places old clay pits very close to Fontmell Close, see below, and could well be a contributary cause.

1898 OS map showing old clay pits
Overlay of semi transparent 1898 map onto above map. The site is arrowed in red.

Hertfordshire County Council is arranging for some non-intrusive ground investigation works in the area, commencing this weekend (3rd October): they will be on site for about a week. The company concerned is Geotechnology limited, and will be taking access to the site from Heathlands Drive.  We await the findings with interest.

Friends of Bernards Heath – Community Playground Project

The Friends of Bernards Heath would like to work together with the local community to seek improvements to the current playground facilities located on Bernards Heath. The need for this is typified by the current state of the roundabout (left) which is broken.

It is our intention to reach out to everyone who uses this attractive communal area, to have their say in what improvements could be made for the benefit of all, with the least impact upon local residents.

Bernards Heath is an attractive and much used corner of St Albans; appealing greatly to children, parents, dog-walkers, sports enthusiasts, nature lovers and historians a-like.

Playgrounds for children aged 1-16 are very limited in this region of the city. Excellent examples of park equipment exist in other areas of St Albans, which include a wide variety of apparatus suitable for children of all ages and also include adult fitness facilities…. so why not here?

The current play area – brightly coloured, but a dated look.
Aerial view with play area (see red arrow)

Therefore, it is our aim to work with St Albans City Council to make improvements to the playground and other facilities found on the Heath.

Update: Support for this project has now passed to Let’s Play on Bernards Heath.

FoBH clears paths and removes hazards

Even at this time of year, small trees do come down on the Heath and block paths. Unfortunately, St Albans Council do not see this as a priority so they are often left for some time. A member of the Friends of Bernards Heath cleared this path as it has been blocked for some time.  There may be hazards lurking in the long grass as well.

path blocked
path cleared
hazardous metal nearly 1 ft overall

Photo: RM

St Albans Green Ring – Our statement

The section of the Green Ring that passes through Bernards Heath has been completed. The part that crosses the Upper Field was already tarmac and this has been widened to 2.5 metres.

FoBH resisted the installation of a similar path passing through the wooded area connecting the corner of the Field to Harpenden Road. This was felt to be too “urban” for the natural character of the Heath and as a compromise it was agreed this part would be only 1.5 metres wide and made of crushed stone without kerbs. Once the edges have regrown and the surface has weathered in it should not be too obtrusive. However FoBH has reservations about the sand finish which has been applied to the crushed stone. This does not seem to be ideal for a cycle path and we doubt its durability. See more about the Green Ring.  Please advise any comments via Facebook, Twitter, or email by clicking the FoBH mail icon.

Spring Action Day 2015

We would like to say Thank you to all the Friends and Supporters who turned out on Sunday 15th to contribute to our Action Day and who helped give the Heath a Spring Clean.

The Daffodils are now in flower and birds are beginning to build their nests and overall the Heath looks a much nicer place without being covered in litter, the bags which we collected are pictured below. Please help in the future by taking your litter home and using the bins provided.

100 Members

The membership of the ‘Friends of Bernards Heath’ has now reached 100 members. Welcome to all our new members and thank you to our current members for renewing your commitment to keeping safe this important green space at the hearth of our community.

We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible at our next Action Day (see upcoming events above).

Townsend Drive verges

Friends of Bernards Heath has been working in conjunction with Townsend Drive Householders Association to replace the logs on the Heath/at the bottom of Townsend Drive in order to remedy the parking issues.

Over time the logs that were marking the border of the heath along Townsend Drive have been rotting away with the result that illegal parking was taking place.This was also a concern to Townsend Drive Residents Association, particularly near the entrance to the heath at the junction with Waverley Road. After agreement with the council that they would cover half of the cost of replacing the logs with Friends of Bernards Heath and pay the VAT, work has been completed as shown in the picture. All the logs have been secured to stakes.