Planned destruction of recently restored fence

A well planned act of wanton destruction took place on the path between Spinney Cottage and Harpenden Road last Thursday or Friday, 23rd/24th August. A fence that was recently repaired was taken apart and sawn up to make a ramp for people on bikes. It is very dangerous.

If you saw any activity in this area, we would like to hear from you (use FoBH Mail in the side bar). Any witness responding will not have their name divulged to anyone other than the police.

The wood and ramp has now been removed (6/9/18)

Parchmarks on the Heath

Telltale signs
In very dry weather the grass of Verulamium Park shows clear signs of the Roman buildings below the surface. Bernards Heath, not to be outdone, has its own version, but indicating more recent history. The marks in the recent hot spell could not have been clearer (See ground level below and Google aerial photo, the latter taken before the marks had fully developed).

The marks in the recent hot spell could not have been clearer (See ground level below and Google aerial photo, the latter taken before the marks had fully developed).

Archaeologists refer to signs in vegetation growth as cropmarks, or parchmarks when the effect is extreme. If re-filled ditches or pits lie beneath the surface plants will grow better over them and resist drought. The reverse happens when walls or foundations just beneath the surface reduce the amount of topsoil holding moisture.

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